What next after 25 years of youth justice evaluation?

The youth justice system in England has undergone significant reform over the past 25 years as it seeks to reduce reoffending and keep communities safe. For much of that time, Jack and I have been at the forefront of developing youth justice policy and practice through our contributions to research and evaluation. Looking back on […]
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The Disproportionate Representation of BAME Young People in Custody

GtD specialises in youth justice and we are aware of the disproportionate representation of BAME young people in custody as was identified in the Lammy Report. We commissioned an article in partnership with CYPN to understand why BAME young people are over-represented in the custody population.
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Youth Justice: Evidence Based Policy in 2017?

Illustration depicting a green chalkboard with a justice concept written on it.
This month has seen the publication of Lord Taylor’s Review of the Youth Justice System in England & Wales. In his comprehensive report, Taylor makes a number of recommendations "to transform the youth justice system in which young people are treated as children first and offenders second, and in which they are held to account for their offending".
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