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Predictive Analytics

Learn Package

Get the Data’s Predictive Analytics are assisting organisations to understand how they can increase their impact. Find out how we can help your organisation to deliver more effective services.

This service is helping organisations to:

  • Predictive Analytics | Learn by Get the Data Get The DataIdentify how to improve interventions
  • Predictive Analytics | Learn by Get the Data Get The DataDefine high quality services for your clients
  • Predictive Analytics | Learn by Get the Data Get The DataPredict your future impact

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Social Impact Review

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    "Learn helps dedicated people step up to the next level; maximising your social impact and knowing - not just hoping - that they've made a real difference"

    Ever suspected that there was more to learn from the data you have on hand? Drawing on our advanced statistical knowledge and specialised skills, Get the Data has developed the Learn package to extract maximum value from your data.

    There is a limit to what you can understand from the numbers alone, and simply reporting the data can feel far removed from the real-world and the day-to-day work done by the staff in your organisation.

    Learning from your data gives you the confidence of knowing – not just hoping – that what you are doing works. It lets you know that you are making a real impact in your field, but perhaps more importantly, it offers assurance to the people who are looking for that proof.

    Find out how Get the Data use predictive analytics, machine learning, and our bespoke ValiDATA system to get the best out of your data below.

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    How can the learn package assist my organisation?

    Our Learn package provides you with clear analyses that will translate your staff’s commitment into improved results for clients.

    In short, our Learn package will help you:

    • Define high quality services for your clients.
    • Understand the likely impact of future interventions.
    • Optimise resources and deploy them with maximum effect.
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    Other Benefits to our Learn Package

    Gain Valuable Insights

    Looking at the data alone, it can be difficult for practitioners to know where to concentrate their efforts, and where changes to their service are most needed. But with the right analysis, the data you already have can be transformed into immensely valuable information to guide practitioners’ decisions, and highlight areas for improvement.

    Empower your staff

    Learn empowers your staff with specialised analyses of your data. It helps you improve interventions at all points of delivery to your clients. It reveals the areas of service that you need to target in order to maximise the impact of your work. And it provides reassurance that your strategies are working to plan.

    Focus on maximum benefit

    Get the Data’s Learn package applies sophisticated predictive analyses to make sure your organisation’s intentions are correctly focused for maximum benefit.

    Your funders and stakeholders need to have confidence in what your organisation is achieving, and by analysing your data you can give them just that.

    Machine Learning Analysis

    Get the Data’s predictive analytics package includes using machine learning. This process involves teaching computer systems how to make accurate predictions when they are fed data.

    Our advanced analyses include machine learning algorithms to ensure you gain every bit of insight from your data. We use structured and unstructured methods to ensure you can learn how to do things better.

    The Process of Predictive Analytics

    Strategic analysis review

    We carry out advanced analysis used on your data to identify strategic priorities.

    Data insight strategy

    The Learn strategy will also identify a clear data vision for your organisation and will plan how to achieve that vision.

    Monitoring reports

    Get the Data produces a quarterly report that uses our advanced analysis to find service improvements and predict future outcomes.

    System learning reports

    Bespoke learning reports are built into your systems that identify data insights to optimise your services.

    Advanced web analytics

    We can build advanced analysis into your website and allow users and partners to benefit from your insight.

    Get in Touch with us to Start Your Service

    How do we deliver the Learn package?

    Through this process, you can tell the story of your impact, backed up with concrete evidence and analysis. With this in mind, you are able to able to provide a much more convincing argument than using the raw data alone.

    Get the Data can carry out this process using:

    • Statistical Models
    • Simulation and Scenario Analysis
    • Decision Support Tools
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    Impact Evaluation with ValiDATA – Helping make your journey a smooth one

    Should you also need help with data collection, Get the Data’s ValiDATA performance information tool has been developed using Microsoft Access and Excel to provide a cost-effective solution to collecting and analysing data. We would be pleased to demonstrate exactly how the tool works and the part it plays within the full spectrum of our services.

    Get the Data will carefully tailor our Learn package to fit your individual requirements. This means you will only pay for the elements of the package which are appropriate to the scale of your needs.

    How can Get the Data help you with Predictive Analyses?

    For your information to become truly valuable, you need to start unpicking it. By applying the right methods of Get the Data’s data analyses, you should be able to learn from your data and to use the insights you draw out of them to make practical changes within your organisation. This approach to data analysis will allow you to optimise your resources and maximise your results.

    More than that, you will be able to extract the story behind your successes, and use that to show the world the valuable social impact your organisation is achieving.

    If you think you could learn more from your data through predictive analytics but you are not sure where to start, take the first step and contact us today on our enquiry form or by calling 020 3371 8950. We will get you started on your social impact journey.

    Book A Free Social Impact Review

    Contact us to book a free 1-hour review of how you measure, learn and prove your social impact

      Why Use Get The Data?

      GtD have enabled us to show the dramatic impact the night shelter network has on London and that we are an important homelessness service.

      Alison Gelder

      The Trust is now better able to understand its impact and make decisions that will help to improve outcomes for young people in the future.

      Emma Ferris

      GtD made an important contribution to our successful bid to provide probation services across England. Jack [Cattell] provided clear analysis of the available probation data and designed an accurate predictive analysis system that will communicate clearly which offenders are most likely to reoffend.

      Peter Dawson

      GtD’s advanced and well communicated analyses on the impact of our intervention provided the evidence to continue, and we understood how to improve

      Chris Stevens & Gavin Stephens

      Want to know more but not sure what to ask? Contact us for Free Impartial Advice.