The Disproportionate Representation of BAME Young People in Custody
GtD specialises in youth justice and we are aware of the disproportionate representation of BAME young people in custody as was identified in the Lammy Report.
We commissioned an article in partnership with CYPN to understand why BAME young people are over-represented in the custody population. Jack carried out analysis of court sentencing and remand decisions and the results show that the custodial rate for BAME children is consistently higher than for white children. Using data to keep track of decision making has a key role in correcting this.
Jack recommends 3 key action points:
- YOTs use data to avoid a “negative cycle” of disproportionate outcomes whereby the more punitive a child’s first disposal or sentence, the more likely they are to receive an even more punitive sentence if they reoffend.
- YOTs to work with the police to understand any biases at all stages of the criminal justice system.
- That the police include ethnicity when publishing data on the decision to prosecute.
You can read the full article here >> and if you would like to discuss the approach we used for analysis, and obtain a copy of how it was carried out, please contact us at