The Five Golden Rules of Evaluation

“How can we measure and quantify our social impact?” That’s essentially the “exam question” for all evaluation projects. It’s what clients want to know and the question that should be at the fore of all evaluation designs. So, I thought I would share my Five Golden Rules of evaluation in the hope that these will […]
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Theory of Change – the Starting Point for Impact Measurement

In our work, we like to develop impact measurements from a fully articulated theory of change (ToC). Our clients, however, have approached us to show them how to measure something accurately and rigorously, and sometimes are unsure why we first need to spend the time talking to them about causal mechanisms, context and their long-term goal.
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The Centre for Youth Impact – Conference 16th March

We’re pleased to announce that Jack will be hosting a workshop at The Centre for Youth Impact's 'The Measure and the Treasure: Evaluation in personal and social development' conference on 16th March. The Centre for Youth Impact is hosting the day-long conference to focus on issues of measurement and personal and social development.
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