The Centre for Youth Impact – Conference 16th March

We’re pleased to announce that Jack will be hosting a workshop at The Centre for Youth Impact’s ‘The Measure and the Treasure: Evaluation in personal and social development’ conference on 16th March.

The Centre for Youth Impact is hosting the day-long conference to focus on issues of measurement and personal and social development.

“The day will explore policy, practical and philosophical debates about whether, why and how we should seek to measure the development of social and emotional skills (or non-cognitive skills, soft skills and character, amongst other terms) in young people. We are planning a thought-provoking and engaging day that introduces participants to a range of ideas and activities, and are particularly keen to draw in thinking from outside the ‘traditional’ youth sector.

The question of how to measure and evidence the development of social and emotional skills in young people remains one of the key challenges youth organisations feel they are facing, and many practitioners raise ethical, technical and practical questions about the extent to which this is feasible, desirable and even useful. As such, we want to convene a day that will bring individuals with a wide range of perspectives into the same space to share, explore and progress their thinking, with a focus on practical application.”

Kenton Hall – Communications Officer, The Centre for Youth Impact

To find out more visit