Is It Time for a Data Diet? How to Manage the Data Glut

A hundred years ago the average person might process the same amount of information in their lifetime that our brains currently receive in a week. I came upon this fact recently – somewhere –  but I couldn’t tell you where. I started to look for the source, but searching my overstuffed digital folder “Interesting Things […]
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Facts Are Chiels That Winna Ding: What Poetry Can Teach Us about Data

Alan Mackie in Atlanta, Georgia, at the replica cottage of Robert Burns's birthplace.
Tonight is Burns Night, a celebration of the life and work of Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns. This remembrance of the “ploughman poet” is not restricted to just Scotland. Tonight, Burns’ immortal memory will be toasted globally: from Edinburgh to Dunedin, from Edmonton to Durham, and from Eindhoven to Delhi. But what can Scotland’s greatest […
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GtD’s Transatlantic Team

For many of us the way in which we work has changed dramatically in the last two years. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many more of us now work from home or work remotely. Modern communications technology means that anyone can collaborate with colleagues on a different continent as easily as if they […]
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Identifying Biases Using Data Analysis

How bias affects policy  All policies have unintended or unacknowledged consequences. Unforeseen outcomes can happen for several reasons, including faulty or incomplete assumptions and planning that is not sufficiently rigorous, but a major source of unintended consequences is bias.  While biases may be explicit, the result of identifiable ass
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