Discover Get The Data’s Specialist Areas: Enhancing Social Impact Across Key Sectors

At Get the Data, our expertise spans several crucial policy areas. We work across these areas to support our clients to create meaningful social change through our robust social analytics and evaluation. Criminal Justice System With over 20 years of experience, we offer comprehensive impact evaluations of criminal justice initiatives, helping to improve policing, prosecution, […]
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GtD’s Transatlantic Team

For many of us the way in which we work has changed dramatically in the last two years. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many more of us now work from home or work remotely. Modern communications technology means that anyone can collaborate with colleagues on a different continent as easily as if they […]
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Meet Ammeline Wang Research Manager

Ammeline Wang joined GtD in June 2021, and we are delighted to welcome her to our team as research manager. In addition to her work with GtD, Ammeline is completing her PhD in criminology at the University of Manchester. Ammeline sat down with Alan Mackie to discuss her research background and her work with GtD. […]
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Looking to The Future

We’ll soon be celebrating two important business milestones – our 10th year since we set up GtD in London and our fifth year since we started or first project in the US. In our recent summer newsletter, we reflect on the business’ developments over the last decade, and we also look forward to the future, […]
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