You Might Be Winning but Not Know It

Have you ever eagerly awaited the results of a project impact study or external evaluation only to be disappointed to be told you had no impact? ‘How can this be?’ you might ask. ‘The users liked it, the staff saw the difference being made, and the funding provider was ecstatic!’ The fact is, if you’re trying to gauge the final success of a project without having analysed your
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Our Social Impact Analytics Are Helping Street Soccer Academy

Our social impact analytics are being used to prove the impact of Street Soccer Academy’s custody to community programme. We demonstrated that the academy was working with the nation’s hardest to reach individuals, and that 75% of this group completed the programme and showed strong engagement upon release.
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Prison Reform and Outcome Measurement

Pomp and pageantry came to Westminster this week, with the Queen’s Speech setting out the British government’s legislative agenda for the coming Parliamentary session. But amid the ermine and jewels was a call for hard, empirical data. The centre piece of the ‘Gracious Address’ was a major shake-up of the prison system in England.
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Non-profits in the Criminal Justice System & the Role of Social Impact Analytics

Non-profit and commercial organisations play a vital role in assisting offenders to desist from offending, whether working in partnership with community rehabilitation companies or directly with offenders. This week CLINKS, the national organisation that supports voluntary organisations working with offenders and their families, published its annual “State of the Sector” survey.
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