The Five Golden Rules of Evaluation

“How can we measure and quantify our social impact?” That’s essentially the “exam question” for all evaluation projects. It’s what clients want to know and the question that should be at the fore of all evaluation designs. So, I thought I would share my Five Golden Rules of evaluation in the hope that these will […]
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The Importance of a Plain Question

In over 25 years of delivering social research and evaluation, I have found Mark Twain’s aphorism - “a plain question and plain answer make the shortest road out of most perplexities” - frequently holds true. So, in this month’s blog, I will explore the importance of a clearly defined question and a well-presented answer.
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Get the Data and Gideon’s Promise Team Up for Innovative Metrics

Over the past year, GtD has been proud to be work with Gideon’s Promise to develop measures of culture change that will transform the American criminal justice system. We are delighted to welcome Ilham Askia, Executive Director of Gideon’s Promise to guest blog about our partnership.
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GtD Approved Provider for Impact Management Programme

Get the Data are pleased to announce that we are an approved provider to the Access Foundation's Impact Management Programme. The Impact Management Programme aims to build the capacity of charities and social enterprises to manage their impact. This will help them to increase their social impact and diversify income.
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