Discover Get The Data’s Specialist Areas: Enhancing Social Impact Across Key Sectors

At Get the Data, our expertise spans several crucial policy areas. We work across these areas to support our clients to create meaningful social change through our robust social analytics and evaluation. Criminal Justice System With over 20 years of experience, we offer comprehensive impact evaluations of criminal justice initiatives, helping to improve policing, prosecution, […]
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What next after 25 years of youth justice evaluation?

The youth justice system in England has undergone significant reform over the past 25 years as it seeks to reduce reoffending and keep communities safe. For much of that time, Jack and I have been at the forefront of developing youth justice policy and practice through our contributions to research and evaluation. Looking back on […]
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The Five Golden Rules of Evaluation

“How can we measure and quantify our social impact?” That’s essentially the “exam question” for all evaluation projects. It’s what clients want to know and the question that should be at the fore of all evaluation designs. So, I thought I would share my Five Golden Rules of evaluation in the hope that these will […]
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Why measuring social impact is essential for organisations

In meeting our current social, economic, and environmental challenges, measuring social impact has become essential for organisations pursuing positive change in their communities. As such, in this article, I will explore why measuring social impact is essential and how working with GtD can you advance your organisation’s mission for a better future for all. What […]
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