Impact of AssetPlus: Using Impact Evaluations to Improve Outcomes

Impact evaluations can show what factors are affecting your outcomes and how to improve those outcomes. This post looks at Get the Data’s impact evaluation of changes in the youth justice system in England and Wales. You go to a friend’s house for dinner, and she serves the best chilli you’ve ever had. It’s so […]
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Making a Difference With Data – Evaluating Outcomes

A New View Of Youth Justice Evaluation is a powerful tool for ensuring that your organisation makes the right changes for the right reasons. Jack Cattell writes about changes to the UK’s approach to youth justice over the last 15 years and his experience of measuring and evaluating those changes. For nearly 15 years, I […]
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Small Data, Big Difference: Case Management with ValiDATA

The longest journey starts with a single step, and small data can make a big difference to any organization, however big your goals. But to unlock the power of small data you need the right tools. That’s where ValiDATA, the data management system from Get the Data, comes in. It’s easy to use, so you […]
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Narratives from Numbers: How data and analysis can help you to tell stories

Data without context don’t tell us enough: they might tell us how something is, but they won’t tell us why that is or what can be done to change things. Good analysis can help you to identify the factors that produced a situation and can tell you what needs changing and how. Last year Get […]
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