Are you collecting the right data?

Collecting data about your projects isn’t just about gathering as much as possible, it’s about collecting the *right* data. To maximise the beneficial outcomes of your policies and to make the most effective use of your organisation’s resources you need to have accurate data about the causes and effects of the problems your organisation is […]
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Looking to The Future

We’ll soon be celebrating two important business milestones – our 10th year since we set up GtD in London and our fifth year since we started or first project in the US. In our recent summer newsletter, we reflect on the business’ developments over the last decade, and we also look forward to the future, […]
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“Measuring Impact” Podcast

It was a great pleasure to sit down with Dolph Goldenburg from the Successful Non-Profits consultancy to discuss how to measure impact.Dolph really got me thinking about why it is important for non-profits to measure their impact, and how to overcome anxieties over data and their analyses. For me it is about using data to tell the story of the impacts that non-profits are achieving.
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There’s no Magic Way of Measuring Impact

Data analysis
Wouldn't it be great if there was a way of measuring your social impact across multiple projects using a single dependable statistic? Well, I've got some bad news, and some good. I was recently talking to a charity who wanted to know how if they could go about measuring and reporting the overall impact of the organisation on children and families.
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