GtD’s Jack Cattell – Managing the Data Glut

Last month I had the great pleasure of spending a week in the USA to see for myself how GtD is developing its services in Atlanta, before attending the 9th annual Public Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
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Jack Cattell presenting at the PPMRNC at Rutgers

Jack Cattell will be presenting at the Public Performance and Management Reporting Network Conference at Rutgers University later this month. Addressing the theme “Data Driven Decision Making: Navigating the Data Glut”, Jack will focus on GtD’s work in rationalising an organisation’s data to provide clear performance indicators.
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Driving Improved Outcomes for the Juvenile Justice System

It was a great pleasure to attend the Coalition of Juvenile Justice’s annual conference in Washington D.C. last week. Under the title, “Redefining leadership: engaging youth, communities and policy makers to achieve better juvenile justice outcomes”, the conference convened a broad coalition of policy makers, practitioners, advocates, researchers and, importantly young people them
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