Getting the Data for Data-driven Non-Profits

Embracing Data-driven Approaches in Non-Profits: In last month’s blog, Alan wrote about how non-profits can become more data-driven and base their services on the evidence. As GtD’s senior data analyst, I am often working with Alan and our non-profit clients in the US to develop tools and apps to help our clients become more “data […]
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The Importance of Being Evidence-Based: Why Organisations Should Embrace It

In today’s rapidly changing world, organisations, whether big or small, need more than just intuition to thrive. They need concrete evidence. Being evidence-based isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a commitment to making informed decisions that drive success. Here’s why every organisation should prioritise it. The Importance of Good Data Making decisions based on hard ev
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Is Your Network Not Working?

We live in a world of networks. Our phones and computer give us access to innumerable interactions that would have been inconceivable thirty years ago, allowing us to make endless connections on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and countless other social media platforms. The ongoing shift to working from home makes business and professional networks ever […]
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Keep Your Eyes on the Road! How dashboards and realtime data can help you see where you’re going

Measuring the effectiveness of changes to working methods or the impact of new policies is traditionally a retroactive exercise: evaluations take data about what has happened to show what has changed and then projects that analysis on to future outcomes. If you drove your car this way it would be like trying to work out […]
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