Gideon’s Promise: Transforming Criminal Justice

Over the past tumultuous months in the US, the fairness of the American justice has been the subject of much debate, with the politics of “law and order” emerging as a theme of the presidential election. So, in this febrile climate Jonathan Rapping’s recent book, “Gideon’s Promise: a public defender movement to transform criminal justice” was a great addition to my summer rea
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More Than Eyes Can See? – Measuring Relationships

As our name implies, Get the Data is concerned with collecting and understanding quantitative empirical data. At the expense reprising scholarly debates about objectivity and truth, it is the Western empirical tradition that informs our research and the work of our clients who are engaged in criminal justice policy and practice. In other words, we want to measure things that can be touch
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Get the Data and Gideon’s Promise Team Up for Innovative Metrics

Over the past year, GtD has been proud to be work with Gideon’s Promise to develop measures of culture change that will transform the American criminal justice system. We are delighted to welcome Ilham Askia, Executive Director of Gideon’s Promise to guest blog about our partnership.
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TR PbR Figures – Context and Drivers

In this blog, I will discuss the data I presented at our recent event, 'Transforming Rehabilitation: Learning from the PbR Results'. The event was held shortly after the publication of the first reoffending figures which showed that reoffending in the first cohort had been reduced by 1.9%. My colleague Jack Cattell has already discussed these figures in an excellent blog, so this blog is
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