One Year of Transforming Rehabilitation Payment by Results

Last week, the Government announced the early termination of the CRCs’ contracts. Various bodies have criticised the new probation arrangements and some private companies have made substantial losses because the number of sentences they were asked to manage was lower than anticipated. We expect, therefore, the CRC’s reoffending rates to be poor given this context.
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Join Our Transforming Rehabilitation LinkedIn Group

We have created a LinkedIn group dedicated to the topic of Transforming Rehabilitation. It is a forum for discussion, for individuals who work or have an interest in, the fields of probation, offender rehabilitation and Transforming Rehabilitation. Our idea to set up the Transforming Rehabilitation LinkedIn group follows
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TR PbR Figures – Context and Drivers

In this blog, I will discuss the data I presented at our recent event, 'Transforming Rehabilitation: Learning from the PbR Results'. The event was held shortly after the publication of the first reoffending figures which showed that reoffending in the first cohort had been reduced by 1.9%. My colleague Jack Cattell has already discussed these figures in an excellent blog, so this blog is
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Community Rehabilitation Companies: PbR Results Event

Transforming Rehabilitation is the UK government’s programme of outsourcing probation services to new community rehabilitation companies. In a radical move, the government is now paying these new companies by the reduction in reoffending results they achieve. GtD is at the forefront of this by providing our cutting-edge social impact analytics to Sodexo Justice Services who manage a nu
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