Is It Time for a Data Diet? How to Manage the Data Glut

A hundred years ago the average person might process the same amount of information in their lifetime that our brains currently receive in a week. I came upon this fact recently – somewhere –  but I couldn’t tell you where. I started to look for the source, but searching my overstuffed digital folder “Interesting Things […]
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What Do You Do When The Facts Change?

When we evaluate policies and measure data it’s not unusual to find a gap between our expectations and what actually happened. The eminent British economist John Maynard Keynes is sometimes credited with saying “when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?” Reality is notoriously stubborn and so, as Keynes noted, it […]
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Keep Your Eyes on the Road! How dashboards and realtime data can help you see where you’re going

Measuring the effectiveness of changes to working methods or the impact of new policies is traditionally a retroactive exercise: evaluations take data about what has happened to show what has changed and then projects that analysis on to future outcomes. If you drove your car this way it would be like trying to work out […]
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Listening is Golden: but to listen you first need to be quiet

Getting great results requires listening. In our work we measure and analyze data to ensure our clients deliver the best possible service. But data doesn’t just mean numbers and graphs and statistics. Data can include lived experiences, how legal processes feel to a person, what social conditions mean when you live them every day, and […]
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