Webinar: Make 2020 the Year of Social Impact

On both sides of the Atlantic, our clients are working hard to think of new ways to deliver vital services to their clients: the homeless, the refugee, offenders.  They are often the people who are most likely to be at the margins and their needs are urgent.  So, now is a time for adapting services to the weeks of lock-down and shelter in place orders. And at GtD we are adapting the wa
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What You Can Learn From Your Data

In a world driven by data, it’s becoming increasingly important for social organisations to prove their impact – not just through what they say, but through cold, hard facts. While many already collect information on the work they’re doing, there remains a gap. There’s a limit to what you can understand from the numbers alone, and simply reporting the data can feel far removed fr
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Use Data to Tell an Effective Story

Over the past eight years, GtD has been providing social impact analytics to tell our clients’ stories. Effective stories of what their interventions do, who they work with, and the difference they are making to the people they serve: the homeless, young people, public defenders, refugees and immigrants. But, while we are primarily using numbers rather than words to monitor and evaluat
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A New Year’s Resolution?

New Year’s Eve, and time to take a moment to make a resolution for 2020.  Last year, according to the Statistica website, 71% of Americans resolved to diet and eat better in 2019 with a further 65% intending to exercise more.  It is not unexpected, perhaps, that 8% of those making resolutions failed to keep it within hours of the New Year being rung in, but a whopping 16% claimed to
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