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Getting the Data for the Common Good

The theme for our latest newsletter is 'Getting Data for the Common Good'. In this edition, we review Jonathan Rapping's book Gideon's Promise: a public defender movement to transform criminal justice, invite you to join us for our webinar, which takes place next week - 'Measuring Non-Profit Social Impact During the Pandemic' and talk about the over-representation of BAME young people
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Guest blog – What works?

Alan has written a guest post on Russell Webster's blog, which discusses the importance of the worker-service user relationship and how it's
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How Rigorous Impact Evaluation Can Improve Social Impact Bonds

In recent years, Social Impact Bonds are being increasingly used by the British government to deliver public services via outcomes based commissioning. They are also becoming increasingly common in the U.S. By linking payments to good outcomes for society, SIBs are used not only to provide better value for money, but also as a driver of public sector reform. In the words of guidance pub
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