The Importance of Being Evidence-Based: Why Organisations Should Embrace It

In today’s rapidly changing world, organisations, whether big or small, need more than just intuition to thrive. They need concrete evidence. Being evidence-based isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a commitment to making informed decisions that drive success. Here’s why every organisation should prioritise it. The Importance of Good Data Making decisions based on hard ev
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Narratives from Numbers: How data and analysis can help you to tell stories

Data without context don’t tell us enough: they might tell us how something is, but they won’t tell us why that is or what can be done to change things. Good analysis can help you to identify the factors that produced a situation and can tell you what needs changing and how. Last year Get […]
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Facts Are Chiels That Winna Ding: What Poetry Can Teach Us about Data

Alan Mackie in Atlanta, Georgia, at the replica cottage of Robert Burns's birthplace.
Tonight is Burns Night, a celebration of the life and work of Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns. This remembrance of the “ploughman poet” is not restricted to just Scotland. Tonight, Burns’ immortal memory will be toasted globally: from Edinburgh to Dunedin, from Edmonton to Durham, and from Eindhoven to Delhi. But what can Scotland’s greatest […
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Upholding Evidence in the Post-Truth Era

Brexit and the new Trump administration have added “post-truth politics”, “fake news” and “alternative facts” to our political lexicon. Just words? Well, “words matter”, as the former president reminded us when he launched his own candidacy eight years ago.
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