The Importance of a Plain Question

In over 25 years of delivering social research and evaluation, I have found Mark Twain’s aphorism - “a plain question and plain answer make the shortest road out of most perplexities” - frequently holds true. So, in this month’s blog, I will explore the importance of a clearly defined question and a well-presented answer.
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Five Lessons for Impactful Data

A client has just told me that our data collection and analysis has helped them secure substantial funding from central government. I wanted to share the lessons I took from that work for impactful quantitative data:
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Social Outcomes: The Road to Success is Paved With Good Intentions

I have often said that hardly a week goes by when I don’t encounter an individual or group of people working hard to make the world a better place. Often these people are working with those who are existing on the edge of society: the homeless who are ignored on our streets; refugees who feel that every hand is turned against them; the sick and frail who have no access to local medical
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The Data Revolution Will be Measured

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and follower”, so said the late Steve Jobs. His words came to mind as I prepared to present to Gideon’s Promise’s Summer Session last month.  Gideon’s Promise asserts that a revolution is needed in how the criminal justice system treats indigent defendants. And as befits an organization that sees itself in the vanguard of that revolut
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