Cultivating an Evidence-Based Culture for Social Impact: Key Steps for Non-profit Organizations

On both sides of the Atlantic, GtD’s non-profit organizations are playing a pivotal role in addressing complex social problems, from reducing offending rates to improving school attainment. In my experience they are more agile and flexible than the public sector bureaucracies, taking greater risks to help those in need and being more creative in finding […]
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The Power and the Value of Peer Research Partners

Social research and evaluation methods are evolving to empower and enhance communities through the research process. Peer research and co-production have become ideal ways to share skills and knowledge and to build community resilience. When appropriate, Get the Data utilizes peer research and co-production to enhance our evaluations of offender management initiatives. However, we know [
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The Five Golden Rules of Evaluation

“How can we measure and quantify our social impact?” That’s essentially the “exam question” for all evaluation projects. It’s what clients want to know and the question that should be at the fore of all evaluation designs. So, I thought I would share my Five Golden Rules of evaluation in the hope that these will […]
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Narratives from Numbers: How data and analysis can help you to tell stories

Data without context don’t tell us enough: they might tell us how something is, but they won’t tell us why that is or what can be done to change things. Good analysis can help you to identify the factors that produced a situation and can tell you what needs changing and how. Last year Get […]
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