Are you collecting the right data?

Collecting data about your projects isn’t just about gathering as much as possible, it’s about collecting the *right* data. To maximise the beneficial outcomes of your policies and to make the most effective use of your organisation’s resources you need to have accurate data about the causes and effects of the problems your organisation is […]
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Asking Sensitive Questions – Measuring a Sensitive Issue

Our clients work with people to address an important issue in their life and therefore have to engage with sensitive issues in their beneficiaries lives, such as their financial situations, the strength of their relationships with friends and family, and how they have been feeling generally. If this describes your organisation and you want to measure your impact, then it’s a given that
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Getting the Data for the Common Good

The theme for our latest newsletter is 'Getting Data for the Common Good'. In this edition, we review Jonathan Rapping's book Gideon's Promise: a public defender movement to transform criminal justice, invite you to join us for our webinar, which takes place next week - 'Measuring Non-Profit Social Impact During the Pandemic' and talk about the over-representation of BAME young people
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Five Lessons for Impactful Data

A client has just told me that our data collection and analysis has helped them secure substantial funding from central government. I wanted to share the lessons I took from that work for impactful quantitative data:
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