Narratives from Numbers: How data and analysis can help you to tell stories

Data without context don’t tell us enough: they might tell us how something is, but they won’t tell us why that is or what can be done to change things. Good analysis can help you to identify the factors that produced a situation and can tell you what needs changing and how. Last year Get […]
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Finding Clarity in Complexity: How to effectively communicate complex findings

Complexity doesn’t have to be a barrier to understanding. When it comes to effective communication how you say something is just as important as what it is you have to say. At Get the Data we use cutting-edge data analysis tools to show our clients the impact their work is having, to predict how changing […]
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Is It Time for a Data Diet? How to Manage the Data Glut

A hundred years ago the average person might process the same amount of information in their lifetime that our brains currently receive in a week. I came upon this fact recently – somewhere –  but I couldn’t tell you where. I started to look for the source, but searching my overstuffed digital folder “Interesting Things […]
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Is Your Network Not Working?

We live in a world of networks. Our phones and computer give us access to innumerable interactions that would have been inconceivable thirty years ago, allowing us to make endless connections on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and countless other social media platforms. The ongoing shift to working from home makes business and professional networks ever […]
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