Gideon’s Promise: Transforming Criminal Justice

Over the past tumultuous months in the US, the fairness of the American justice has been the subject of much debate, with the politics of “law and order” emerging as a theme of the presidential election. So, in this febrile climate Jonathan Rapping’s recent book, “Gideon’s Promise: a public defender movement to transform criminal justice” was a great addition to my summer rea
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Get the Data and Gideon’s Promise Team Up for Innovative Metrics

Over the past year, GtD has been proud to be work with Gideon’s Promise to develop measures of culture change that will transform the American criminal justice system. We are delighted to welcome Ilham Askia, Executive Director of Gideon’s Promise to guest blog about our partnership.
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Transforming Rehabilitation: Learning from the PbR results

Transforming Rehabilitation challenged Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) to reduce reoffending significantly and October will see the publication of the reoffending rates of the first Transforming Rehabilitation cohort. These results are an important test of the government’s Transforming Rehabilitation agenda and the success of the new CRCs.
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Predicting the Final CRC Reoffending Rates

Predicting the Final CRC Reoffending Rates On October 26th 2017, the Ministry of Justice will publish the first Transforming Reoffending proven reoffending rates. These will describe the October to December 2015 cohort’s proven reoffending rate and compare this to a 2011 baseline rate (go here for an explanation).
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