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Predictive Analyses for Sodexo Justice Services

Sodexo Justice is one of the leading providers of justice services in the UK and are committed to reducing reoffending rates of the people they support. In creating a continuous improvement culture, Sodexo has commissioned GtD’s Predictive Analyses to identify who is most likely to reoffend and why, and to understand what high quality support services are needed to reduce reoffending.

Our cutting-edge Predictive Analyses are providing Sodexo with Closeness to Change reports for each of their service users which quantify who has expressed a desire not to reoffend. Our analyses can also help Sodexo identify what package of support is required to bring about desistance of offending in the service user.

In supporting Sodexo’s continuous improvement culture, our predictive analyses are also helping Sodexo to “learn quickly”. We have developed a predictive algorithm that estimates how likely someone is to reoffend and this is updated as we learn more about an individual over the duration of their sentence. This work also provides an estimate of the overall reoffending rate a year or more before it is actually realised.

By using our analyses to “learn quickly”, Sodexo have the tools not only to identify the most cost-effective ways of supporting their service users, but also to manage their resources to ensure they are focused on interventions and activities that bring about desistance. This dynamic approach is realising the continuous improvement culture by enhancing the relationship between practitioner and service user.

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