Delivering Innovative Social Impact Analytics to Sodexo Justice
We are delighted to announce a new contract to deliver our ground breaking social impact analytics to Sodexo Justice, a leading provider of justice services in the UK.
The purpose of our social impact analytics is to provide definitive evidence of an organisation’s impact on society by delivering predictive analyses and impact evaluation. Under the newly signed contract, we will measure the effectiveness of Sodexo’s six Community Rehabilitation Companies in managing the risk associated with the offenders and delivering interventions that reduce their reoffending.
By understanding “what works?” in changing lives and delivering safer communities, our social impact analytics will also be used by Sodexo Justice to measure the impact of its services. Sodexo Justice will be paid through a payment by results mechanism that measures its success in reducing reoffending.
Our founding director, Jack Cattell said, “We very much look forward to providing our social impact analytics to Sodexo Justice Services. Our SIAs will provide offender managers with the information they require to manage resources and deliver high quality interventions to reduce reoffending.”